Hi, I’m Amy, and I can help you find your way back to You.

When we’re out of alignment with our true nature, we can’t access the magic, power and authenticity of who we really are. We become divided from our own special essence. And this division can lead to struggle, emotional pain, and a yearning for our lives to be different. 

Restoring the connection to who we uniquely are brings our lives back into a natural state of balance. Where heart, mind and spirit are aligned. Where everything becomes possible.

“Committing to Amy Stone’s coaching program is the best investment you can make in yourself. Amy takes you on a guided program that will help you explore and unlock motivation and insight into yourself that you didn’t even know you possessed. More importantly, she teaches you how to discover and develop longterm tools that will help you transform and change your life.”

– A.O.

Growing up a Sensitive, Introvert and Empath, the world felt like a big, scary and uncertain place.

I had a lot of fears, doubts, insecurities and anxieties.  I became a people-pleaser and deferred to others’ ideas for my life, rather than following my own. I swallowed my voice rather than risk the disapproval that could come if my thoughts or feelings disagreed with those I cared about. I made safe choices rather than risk failure, thereby living a smaller version of myself.  

I didn’t feel worthy, confident, or courageous.

I didn’t really know myself and therefore didn’t really know what I wanted. I denied my sensitivity and my unique gifts.  I was a soul divided, and could not find lasting peace.

I found myself through life coaching.

Here I found the key, which was always right inside of me, waiting to be discovered as I re-aligned myself with my true nature.

I discovered who I am.

I acknowledged that I was a natural communicator and listener, someone who could easily hold compassionate space for others. By virtue of caring enough to delve into someone’s story, I found that I could offer that person lasting relief and freedom from their pain and struggles.

I discovered that the very act of my caring presence and guidance easily opened doors for healing and lasting transformation to take place. I could hold the light when they were in the dark. 

My people are the Healers, the Creatives, and the Sensitives – because that’s who I am, too.

I’ve been privileged to share many of their journeys and guide them to (re)discover peace, joy, purpose and fulfillment by leading them back to the true nature of who they are.

Where everything feels ‘right’, where issues seem to melt away, where life just… flows.  

I’ve known the heartache of living a limited, constricted, small life.

Enduring the sense of being divided within myself, being cut off from my true and authentic essence. Where I denied my sensitivity to fit in.

Through steadfast commitment to freeing myself by taking responsibility for my life, I learned how to rise up and claim myself – with all my quirks, idiosyncrasies and gifts that make me uniquely me.

I can help you come home to yourself.

Where all your pieces are put back together in integrated wholeness.

Where you live your life on your own empowered terms, no longer blindly following others’ expectations of you.

Where you can more easily navigate life’s challenges because you know yourself and have newfound confidence, clarity and courage.

Where you love and celebrate all your gifts and inspire yourself at every turn.

Where you enjoy peace, joy, flow, fulfillment, purpose and an exciting passion and vision for your life.

Where you truly shine.

“I’m so grateful for you, and continue to be in awe of your capacity and presence. I really meant it when I said I’m forever changed, Amy. Thank you, again.”

– P.W.

You’ll no longer deny who you are – what makes you uniquely You.

You’ll come into alignment with those things that feel right and natural for you, lessening the things in your life that don’t feel right. Those places where you’ve abandoned yourself.

With new awareness and appreciation for who you are, you’ll replace limiting and self-sabotaging thoughts, beliefs and behaviors with empowering, confident and courageous choices that will transform your reality.  

You’ll find yourself… and you’ll free yourself from suffering, as well. And from there, everything becomes possible.

Come into this sacred work.

You have an exciting life to live – on your terms.

All it takes is a little courage.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

– Roald Dahl